
easyrules 例子 从 nacos里读取规则     所属分类 easyrules 浏览量 163

test_rule_001 yaml 规则 name: "alcohol rule" description: "children are not allowed to buy alcohol" priority: 1 condition: "person.age < 18" actions: - "System.out.println(\"Shop: Sorry, you are not allowed to buy alcohol\");"
public class Person { private String name; private int age; import com.alibaba.nacos.api.NacosFactory; import com.alibaba.nacos.api.config.ConfigService; import org.jeasy.rules.api.Facts; import org.jeasy.rules.api.Rule; import org.jeasy.rules.api.Rules; import org.jeasy.rules.api.RulesEngine; import org.jeasy.rules.core.DefaultRulesEngine; import org.jeasy.rules.mvel.MVELRuleFactory; import org.jeasy.rules.support.reader.YamlRuleDefinitionReader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Properties; public class RuleDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // 从 nacos 读取规则 Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("serverAddr", ""); ConfigService configService = NacosFactory.createConfigService(properties); String dataId = "test_rule_001"; String group = "DEFAULT_GROUP"; long timeoutMs = 3000; String rule = configService.getConfig(dataId,group,timeoutMs); System.out.println(rule); System.out.println("---------------"); // 创建规则 mvel 脚本 MVELRuleFactory ruleFactory = new MVELRuleFactory(new YamlRuleDefinitionReader()); Rule alcoholRule = ruleFactory.createRule(new StringReader(rule)); // create a rule set Rules rules = new Rules(); rules.register(alcoholRule); //create a default rules engine and fire rules on known facts RulesEngine rulesEngine = new DefaultRulesEngine(); //create a person instance (fact) Person tom = new Person("Tom", 15); Facts facts = new Facts(); facts.put("person", tom); System.out.println("Tom: Hi! can I have some Vodka please?"); // 运行规则引擎 rulesEngine.fire(rules, facts); } }
nacos 配置安装 nacos Java客户端使用 https://gitee.com/dyyx/work2024/tree/master/demo/easyrules-nacos-demo

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