
aerospike网络及常用端口     所属分类 aerospike 浏览量 1639

Heartbeat signals can be sent in multicast mode, or mesh mode (node-to-node via TCP).

Typical ports that are open 
3000 - 'service' port, which handles client requests and responses.
3001 - 'fabric' port, which handles server node-to-node communication.
3002 - 'heartbeat' port - (optional) used for heartbeat TCP messages.
3003 - 'info' port, which is a telnet port which can be used for Aerospike info commands.
3004 - 'xdr' port, used by legacy xdr daemon to communicate with main Aerospike daemon.

Other Recommendations

One important thing to realize is that it is difficult to get above 100K TPS per node with default settings. 
This limit is often more than enough for most use cases. 


However, in the event you wish to get more there are a few ways to do this:
In most cases, the limiting factor is not the actual bandwidth, but the system interrupts. 


By using the “top” command and pressing “1″, you can see how the CPU cores are spending their time. 
If the “si” column is high on any core, this may be due to sharing of a single interrupt on the card. 
If you have multiple interrupts available, you can spread the interrupts to different cores. 
In particular, we have found that network interfaces using Intel chipsets. 
Check with the manufacturers of your network cards to see if they allow for multiple interrupts. 
Click here to see how to balance interrupts across cores.


You may be able to use link aggregation to make use of more than ethernet port. 
This will bond multiple ports together to increase throughput. 
A good description of the protocol for this (802.3ad) 
can be found at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link_aggregation. 
Note that the exact mechanism to do this varies depending on your hardware. 
Aerospike customers have used to this to aggregate 4-1 Gb ports to act as a single 4 Gb connection. 
This acts below the TCP level, so no changes are necessary for the Aerospike configuration.


You could choose to use 10 Gb networking equipment. 
While not generally a requirement, this is sometimes preferable to using link aggregation.

network {
        service {
                address any
                port 3000

heartbeat {
                 mode mesh
                 port 3002
                 mesh-seed-address-port 3002
                interval 150
                timeout 10

        fabric {
                port 3001

        info {
                port 3003

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