
Grafana 告警设置     所属分类 grafana 浏览量 80


How Grafana Alerting works

Labels match alert instances to notification policies and silences and can be used to group your alerts by severity.
Notification policy is the set of rules for where, when, and how the alerts get routed. 
Notification policies have a tree structure, where each policy can also match specific alert labels.

Contact points define how your contacts are notified when an alert fires. 


这些条件将决定何时触发告警通知 ,可以设置阈值、持续时间以及其他相关参数



选择要监控的指标时,应该根据实际情况和需求进行有针对性的选择。不要一味地监控过多的指标,以免信息过载。 设置告警条件时,考虑指标的波动性和峰值情况。太过敏感的条件可能会导致频繁触发警报通知,而太不敏感可能会导致错过重要的警报信号。 选择告警通知方式时,应根据紧急程度和重要性进行权衡。有些情况下,即时的短信通知可能更为合适,而其他情况下,电子邮件通知可能更为便捷。
evaluate every 1m for 5m evaluate every how often the alert will be evaluated to see if fired evaluate for Once a condition is breached, the alert goes into the Pending state. If the condition remains breached for the duration specified, the alert transitions to the Firing state, else it reverts back to the Normal state. 每分钟计算一次是否超过阀值,如果超过阀值的时间持续5分钟,就触发告警通知,如果没有的话,从ok 状态转为 pedding状态 告警状态变化 Normal 》Padding 》Firing Create a Grafana managed alerting rule https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/v8.5/alerting/unified-alerting/alerting-rules/create-grafana-managed-rule/ https://www.bookstack.cn/read/Grafana-8.5-en/36e63104e080a0c7.md Annotations and labels for alerting rules https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/v8.5/alerting/unified-alerting/alerting-rules/alert-annotation-label/ https://www.bookstack.cn/read/Grafana-8.5-en/53b1337424ed86a6.md Manage alerting rules https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/v8.5/alerting/unified-alerting/alerting-rules/rule-list/ https://www.bookstack.cn/read/Grafana-8.5-en/dea7378cb0a95ded.md
新建告警规则 new alert rule Rule name flink数据同步任务数 folder=Alert , group=flink_group count(rate(flink_jobmanager_job_runningTime[5m]) >0) classic condition last() of A is BELOW 6 details for alert message (这个是定制内容 ,给webhook 接口传递额外参数用的) {"title":"flink 任务 数量 小于 6","serviceName":"Flink","alertLevel":"normal"} Custom Labels type=flink http://localhost:9000/alerting/list 过滤条件 state firing normal pedding rule-type alert recording 展示形式 view as list grouped ( folder group 分组) state 根据 状态 分组展示
参考资料 Grafana告警体系配置 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38571773/article/details/128735955

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