
iotdb 概述     所属分类 iotdb 浏览量 990

IoTDB(Internet of Things Database)
designed for timeseries data, which can provide users specific services for data collection, storage and analysis.
massive dataset storage, high-speed data input and complex data analysis in the IoT industrial field
工业物联网 IIOT   Industrial Internet of Things 

data collection,writing,storage,query,visualization and analysis
components of the IoTDB suite

TsFile   time series optimized file format 
TsFile-CLI      interactive client command line
TsFileSync tool   synchronize the TsFile to the HDFS
I/E Tool    batch load and export data


Scenario 芯片自动化生产线 wind turbines 风机 收集发电机的工作状态和工作环境中的风速等信息 工业机器人设备信息监控 robotic equipment 车载传感器 收集监测数据 narrow-band IoT 窄带物联网
Features Flexible deployment 部署灵活 Low storage cost , high compression ratio 高压缩比,更低的存储成本 Efficient directory structure ,fuzzy searching strategy for massive and complex directory of timeseries data. 高效的目录结构 High-throughput read and write 高性能读写 Rich query semantics IoTDB supports time alignment for timeseries data accross devices and sensors, computation in timeseries field (frequency domain transformation) and rich aggregation function support in time dimension. 时间对齐 丰富的聚合函数

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Lucene 查询类型及实例

iotdb 数据模型和术语

linux shell 输出重定向
