
ConcurrentHashMap读操作为什么不需要加锁     所属分类 java 浏览量 1551

public V get(Object key) {
    Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> e, p; int n, eh; K ek;
    // h>=0
    int h = spread(key.hashCode()); 
    if ((tab = table) != null && (n = tab.length) > 0 &&
        (e = tabAt(tab, (n - 1) & h)) != null) {
        if ((eh = e.hash) == h) { 
            if ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek)))
                return e.val;
        // hash值具体含义 
        // ForwardingNode 和  TreeBin 都可以调用 find 方法
        else if (eh < 0)
            return (p = e.find(h, key)) != null ? p.val : null;
        while ((e = e.next) != null) {
            // 链表 直接遍历
            if (e.hash == h &&
                ((ek = e.key) == key || (ek != null && key.equals(ek))))
                return e.val;
    return null;

桶定位 tabAt  和  Node  定义 

     * The array of bins. Lazily initialized upon first insertion.
     * Size is always a power of two. Accessed directly by iterators.
    transient volatile Node<K,V>[] table;

     * The next table to use; non-null only while resizing.
    private transient volatile Node<K,V>[] nextTable;

static final <K,V> Node<K,V> tabAt(Node<K,V>[] tab, int i) {
        return (Node<K,V>)U.getObjectVolatile(tab, ((long)i << ASHIFT) + ABASE);

static class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
        final int hash;
        final K key;
        volatile V val;
        volatile Node<K,V> next;

Unsafe getObjectVolatile   
hash 和 key   不可变 ,final   保证可见性
val 和 next   volatile  保证可见性
table数组  volatile  保证引用可见性
volatile + final  保证可见性

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