
rabbitmq 管理页面     所属分类 rabbitmq 浏览量 246
RabbitMQ 3.9.9   
Cluster name: xxx@yyy

The cluster name can be used by clients to identify clusters over AMQP connections, 
and is used by the shovel and federation plugins to identify which clusters a message has been routed through.

Note that the cluster name is announced to clients in the AMQP server properties; 
i.e. before authentication has taken place. Therefore it should not be considered secret.

The cluster name is generated by default from the name of the first node in the cluster, but can be changed.

Admin (用户信息等 )

Overview Queued messages Ready Number of messages that are available to be delivered now. Unacknowledged Number of messages for which the server is waiting for acknowledgement. Total The total of these two numbers. Global counts Shows total number of objects for all virtual hosts the current user has access to. Connections: 19 Channels: 160 Exchanges: 23 Queues: 42 Consumers: 81 Nodes Name File-descriptors Socket-descriptors Erlang-processes Memory Disk-space Uptime Info info 插件 rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange rabbitmq-management rabbitmq-prometheus Churn statistics Connection Channel 以及 Queue 的创建/关闭速率 Connection operations created/closed Channel operations created/closed Queue operations Declared /created/closed Ports and contexts Listening ports Protocol amqp/ssl 5671 clustering 25672 http 15672 http/prometheus 15692 Web contexts RabbitMQ Management 15672 RabbitMQ Prometheus 15692 {hostname}:15692/metrics
Connections 所有连接信息 Name Node User-name State SSL / TLS Protocol Channels From client To client User name:当前连接使用的用户名。 State:当前连接的状态,running 表示运行中;idle 表示空闲。 SSL/TLS:表示是否使用 ssl 进行连接。 Channels:当前连接创建的通道总数。 From client:每秒发出的数据包。 To client:每秒收到的数据包。 连接对应的 Channels Channel User name Mode State Unconfirmed Prefetch Unacked publish confirm unroutable (drop) deliver/get ack Mode Channel guarantee mode. C – confirm Channel will send streaming publish confirmations. T – transactional Channel is transactional. Client properties capabilities authentication_failure_close: true basic.nack: true connection.blocked: true consumer_cancel_notify: true exchange_exchange_bindings: true publisher_confirms: true connection_name rabbitConnectionFactory#2b0d6bf2:0 copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2021 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. information Licensed under the MPL. See https://www.rabbitmq.com/ platform Java product RabbitMQ version 5.14.2
Channels 同连接里的 Channels 信息 Channel:通道名称。 User name:该通道登录使用的用户名。 Model:通道确认模式,C 表示 confirm;T 表示事务。 State:通道当前的状态,running 表示运行中;idle 表示空闲。 Unconfirmed:待确认的消息总数。 Prefetch: Prefetch 表示每个消费者最大的能承受的未确认消息数目, 用来指定一个消费者一次可以从 RabbitMQ 中获取多少条消息并缓存在消费者中, 一旦消费者的缓冲区满了,RabbitMQ 将会停止投递新的消息到该消费者中直到它发出有消息被 ack 了。 消费者负责不断处理消息,不断 ack,然后只要 unAcked 数少于 prefetch * consumer 数目,RabbitMQ 就不断将消息投递过去。 Unacker:待 ack 的消息总数 publish:消息生产者发送消息的速率 confirm:消息生产者确认消息的速率 unroutable (drop):表示未被接收,且已经删除了的消息 deliver/get:消息消费者获取消息的速率 ack:消息消费者 ack 消息的速率
Exchanges Type 类型 Features D durable I internal Message rate in 消息进入的速率 Message rate out 消息出去的速率。
Queues Name Node Type classic / Quorum Features State Ready Unacked Total incoming deliver / get ack Features AD auto-delete Excl exclude ML x-queue-master-locator D durable DLX x-dead-letter-exchange DLK x-dead-letter-routingkey
This guide covers RabbitMQ monitoring with two popular tools: Prometheus, a monitoring toolkit; and Grafana, a metrics visualisation system. These tools together form a powerful toolkit for long-term metric collection and monitoring of RabbitMQ clusters. While RabbitMQ management UI also provides access to a subset of metrics, it by design doesn't try to be a long term metric collection solution. RabbitMQ ships with built-in Prometheus & Grafana support. Support for Prometheus metric collector ships in the rabbitmq_prometheus plugin. The plugin exposes all RabbitMQ metrics on a dedicated TCP port, in Prometheus text format. https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/next/prometheus#overview-prometheus https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/monitoring

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