
aerospike的一些限制     所属分类 aerospike 浏览量 1751

as3 集群节点数 最大 32
as4 集群节点数 最大 8

max Number of sets per namespace       1023
maximum number of bins per namespace   32,767

max number of namespace    Enterprise(32)   Community(2)

Objects per Namespace per Node    32 Billion  / 4 Billion 

社区版  Namespace 记录数  40亿

The maximum number of devices (or files) per namespace per node is 128 as of version 4.2, 
64 for versions down to 3.12.1, and 32 for versions prior to that.

For Community Edition, the maximum number of nodes is limited to 31 for versions prior to 4.0 
and limited to 8 for versions 4.0 and above.

Every record value size is limited to the write-block-size, 
which is typically set in the configuration to 128KB for Flash devices, 
but can be increased up to 8MiB as of version 4.2 
(for prior versions, maximum is 1MiB which is also the default if not specified in the configuration file).


Note that you can have more than one SSD associated with a namespace, 
but any SSD used as a raw device can only be associated with a single namespace. 
Each namespace is limited to a maximum of 128 devices

使用裸设备,一个 namespace只能关联一个设备
单个namespace最多 128个设备

bin-names	        <= 14 characters
set-names	        <= 63 characters (':' or ';' not allowed in set-name)
namespace-names	    <= 31 characters  (':' or ';' not allowed in namespace-name)

Bins per key	     < 32 K
Index name	         <= 255 characters (':' or ';' not allowed in index name)
hist-track-back	     86400 seconds (slice of 10 seconds)
replication-factor	 <= number of nodes in cluster


Total bins across all keys in a namespace	< 32 K
Total secondary indices in a namespace	    <= 256 indices

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aerospike data-in-memory 机制说明

