所属分类 elasticsearch
浏览量 1624
Collectively, we have a lot of experience with users suffering unexpected issues because they have not configured important settings.
In previous versions of Elasticsearch,
misconfiguration of some of these settings were logged as warnings.
Understandably, users sometimes miss these log messages.
To ensure that these settings receive the attention that they deserve,
Elasticsearch has bootstrap checks upon startup.
These bootstrap checks inspect a variety of Elasticsearch and system settings
and compare them to values that are safe for the operation of Elasticsearch.
If Elasticsearch is in development mode, any bootstrap checks that fail appear as warnings in the Elasticsearch log.
If Elasticsearch is in production mode, any bootstrap checks that fail will cause Elasticsearch to refuse to start.
By default, Elasticsearch binds to localhost for HTTP and transport (internal) communication.
To form a cluster, Elasticsearch instances must be reachable via transport communication so they must bind transport to an external interface.
in production mode if it does bind transport to an external interface.
Note that HTTP can be configured independently of transport via http.host and transport.host;
this can be useful for configuring a single instance to be reachable via HTTP for testing purposes without triggering production mode.
Heap size check
File descriptor check
Memory lock check
Maximum number of threads check
Maximum size virtual memory check
Maximum map count check
Client JVM check
Use serial collector check
OnError and OnOutOfMemoryError checks
Heap size check
jvm调整堆大小 ,容易引起暂停,最好配置 初始堆大小等于最大堆大小
-Xms2g -Xmx2g
File descriptor check
everything is a file.
"files" could be a physical file, a virtual file (e.g., /proc/loadavg), or network sockets.
every shard is composed of multiple segments and other files, plus connections to other nodes
分片段文件 其他文件 加上到其他节点的连接
set ulimit -n 65536 as root before starting Elasticsearch,
or set nofile to 65536 in /etc/security/limits.conf.
Memory lock check
When the JVM does a major garbage collection it touches every page of the heap.
If any of those pages are swapped out to disk they will have to be swapped back in to memory.
当JVM进行一次fullGC 时,会触及堆的每个页面。如果这些页面中的任何一个被交换到磁盘,那么它们将不得不被交换回内存中。
That causes lots of disk thrashing
There are several ways to configure a system to disallow swapping.
禁用 内存交换
One way is by requesting the JVM to lock the heap in memory through mlockall (Unix) or virtual lock (Windows).
Elasticsearch is not able to lock the heap ( if the elasticsearch user does not have memlock unlimited).**.mlockall
Maximum number of threads check
Elasticsearch executes requests by breaking the request down into stages
and handing those stages off to different thread pool executors.
There are different thread pool executors for a variety of tasks within Elasticsearch.
各种任务线程池 创建大量的线程
This check is enforced only on Linux.
Maximum size virtual memory check
Elasticsearch and Lucene use mmap to great effect to map portions of an index into the Elasticsearch address space.
This keeps certain index data off the JVM heap but in memory for blazing fast access.
For this to be effective, the Elasticsearch should have unlimited address space.
The maximum size virtual memory check enforces that the Elasticsearch process has unlimited address space
and is enforced only on Linux. To pass the maximum size virtual memory check,
you must configure your system to allow the Elasticsearch process the ability to have unlimited address space.
This can be done via /etc/security/limits.conf using the as setting to unlimited
需要 无限的地址空间
as address space
Maximum map count check
to use mmap effectively, ES also requires the ability to create many memory-mapped areas.
configure vm.max_map_count via sysctl to be at least 262144.
Client JVM check
the client JVM and the server JVM
JVM 客户端和服务端模式
These JVMs use different compilers for producing executable machine code from Java bytecode.
The client JVM is tuned for startup time and memory footprint while the server JVM is tuned for maximizing performance.
客户机JVM 针对启动时间和内存占用做了优化,而服务器JVM针对性能优化。
The difference in performance between the two VMs can be substantial.
you must start Elasticsearch with the server VM
On modern systems and operating systems, the server VM is the default.
ES必须使用server 模式
Use serial collector check
you must not start Elasticsearch with the serial collector
不能使用串行收集器启动ES 默认使用 CMS收集器。
显示指定 串行收集器 -XX:+UseSerialGC , 这将无法启动ES
OnError and OnOutOfMemoryError checks
The JVM options OnError and OnOutOfMemoryError enable executing arbitrary commands
if the JVM encounters a fatal error (OnError) or an OutOfMemoryError (OnOutOfMemoryError).
JVM遇到致命错误(OnError)或OutOfMemoryError (OnOutOfMemoryError),JVM选项OnError和OnOutOfMemoryError允许执行任意命令。
using OnError or OnOutOfMemoryError and system call filters are incompatible
The OnError and OnOutOfMemoryError checks prevent Elasticsearch from starting
if either of these JVM options are used and system call filters are enabled.
This check is always enforced.