所属分类 aerospike
浏览量 1625
Eviction mechanisms in Aerospike
In Aerospike 3.8 and onwards there are two signficant changes to the eviction mechanism. These are as follows:
The number of eviction histogram buckets is much greater and can be configured by the user.
This is possible by seperating the granularity of expiration TTL histogram and the eviction algorithm.
Buckets will not be partially evicted during eviction
驱逐桶的数量要大得多,可以由用户配置。可分别配置过期TTL分布粒度 和 回收算法 。
Histogram 直方图 柱状图 分布图
The default number of buckets for the eviction algorithm is 10,000 although this can be configured between 100 and 10,000,000.
The parameter controlling the number of eviction histogram buckets is evict-hist-buckets and it can be set as follows:
asinfo -v 'set-config:context=namespace;id=test;evict-hist-buckets=20000'
控制驱逐桶数的参数为 evict-hist-buckets ,可以用一下命令进行设置
asinfo -v 'set-config:context=namespace;id=test;evict-hist-buckets=20000'
It should be noted that each eviction histogram bucket requires 4 bytes of memory and therefore if the maximum 10,000,000 buckets were set, the resultant eviction histogram would consume 40 MB of memory.
When evicting during a cold start process, the cluster will configure either 100,000 buckets or use the evict-hist-buckets ,
the highest value of the two will be chosen. This will only be valid for cold start eviction, when the cluster is running, evict-hist-buckets will be the dominant parameter.
在冷启动过程中进行回收时,集群将配置100,000个存储桶或使用 evict-hist-buckets ,将选择这两个中的最大值。这只对冷启动回收有效,当集群运行时,使用 evict-hist-buckets 参数。
When evicting during a cold start process, the cluster will configure either 100,000 buckets or use the evict-hist-buckets ,
the highest value of the two will be chosen. This will only be valid for cold start eviction, when the cluster is running, evict-hist-buckets will be the dominant parameter.
在冷启动过程中进行回收时,集群将配置100,000个存储桶或使用 evict-hist-buckets ,将选择这两个中的最大值。这只对冷启动回收有效,当集群运行时,使用 evict-hist-buckets 参数。
Apr 07 2016 13:42:17 GMT: INFO (nsup): (thr_nsup.c:1079)
{test} found 12345 records eligible for eviction
In some circumstances, no records will be evicted. This could be for a number of reasons and these will be shown in the logs.
There are situations where evictions will not be possible,
these situations will be logged in a clear and understandable manner.
Only records with a non-zero TTL will be eligable for eviction (meaning that records without a TTL or with a TTL of 0 will not be considered for eviction).
As discussed earlier, only buckets below the threshold bucket will be considered for eviction.
If the threshold bucket is the first bucket, this means that no buckets can be evicted.
The following log message will indicate this (here 200346037 is the void time of the threshold bucket)
增加 evict-hist-buckets 的影响可能小于增加 evict_tenths_pct。
Void time is the absolute time when a record should be removed from the database (expired).
Void time is measured from the “aerospike epoch”, which is the number of seconds since 1 January 2010 (midnight GMT) or 40 years after the UNIX epoch (1 January 1970 at midnight GMT).
void-time 是一个绝对时间,距离 2010年1月1日 的 秒数
TTL (time to live) is the difference between the current time and the void time.
evict-tenths-pct Maximum 1/10th percentage of objects to be deleted during each cycle of NSUP.
asinfo -v "set-config:context=namespace;id=namespaceName;evict-tenths-pct=10"
nsup-period defines the amount of time in seconds for NSUP to sleep between cycles (default 120s)
NSUP 线程 运行间隔时间 默认 120s
NSUP namespace supervisor sub-system
evict-hist-buckets defines the amount of buckets used in the eviction algorithm
Expiration TTL histogram bucket width will be maximum-record-ttl/100
TTL桶宽 最大记录TTL /100
Eviction histogram bucked width will be maximum-record-ttl/evict-hist-buckets
驱逐桶宽 maximum-record-ttl/evict-hist-buckets
Cold start will use a minimum of 100,000 buckets for the eviction histogram
冷启动时最小的驱逐桶数 100000