所属分类 finance
浏览量 1554
1. 追寻财富,而不是金钱和地位(Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status)
2. 挣钱和运气无关(Making Money Isn't About Luck)
3. 让运气变成你的命运(Make Luck Your Destiny)
4. 通过出租时间的方式,你不太可能致富(You Won't Get Rich Renting Out Your Time)
5. 通过量入为出获得自由(Live Below Your Means for Freedom)
6. 为社会创造它想要但是还不知道如何获取的东西(Give Society What It Doesn't Know How to Get)
7. 互联网极大扩展了职业的可能性(The Internet Has Massively Broadened Career Possibilities)
8. 和具有长线思维的人玩长线游戏(Play Long-term Games With Long-term People)
9. 选择聪明,精力充沛和正直的合伙人(Pick Partners With Intelligence, Energy and Integrity)
10. 和理性乐观者为伍(Partner With Rational Optimists)
11. 用特长知识武装自己(Arm Yourself With Specific Knowledge)
12. 特长知识具有高度创新和技术性(Specific Knowledge Is Highly Creative or Technical)
13. 学习销售,学习制造(Learn to Sell, Learn to Build)
14. 从读你喜欢的书开始,一直到你喜欢上阅读(Read What You Love Until You Love to Read)
15. 基础是数学和逻辑(The Foundations Are Math and Logic)
16. 没有所谓“商业"技能(There's No Actual Skill Called "Business")
17. 通过勇于承担风险来获得杠杆(Embrace Accountability to Get Leverage)
18. 通过勇于承担风险来赢得资产(Take Accountability to Earn Equity)
19. 劳动力和资本是老式杠杆(Labor and Capital Are Old Leverage)
20. 产品和媒体是新杠杆(Product and Media are New Leverage)
21. 产品杠杆人人平等(Product Leverage is Egalitarian)
22. 寻找一个能够利用杠杆的生意(Pick a Business Model With Leverage)
23. 从劳工到企业家的案例(Example: From Laborer to Entrepreneur)
24. 判断就是决断技能(Judgment Is the Decisive Skill)
25. 给自己设定一个超高时薪(Set an Aspirational Hourly Rate)
26. 奋力工作(Work As hard As You Can)
27. 你应该足够忙,没有多少时间去社交(Be Too Busy to "Do Coffee")
28. 不断重新定义你的工作(Keep Redefing What You Do)
29. 通过做自己避开竞争(Escape Competition Through Authenticity)
30. 玩愚蠢的游戏,赢愚蠢的奖励(Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes)
31. 最终你会获得你应得的(Eventually You Will Get What You Deserve)
32. 拒绝大部分建议(Reject Most Advice)
33. 平和的内心,健康的身体和充满爱的家庭(A Calm Mind, a Fit Body, a House Full of Love)
34. 致富没有捷径(There Are No Get Rich Quick Schemes)
35. 将自己产品化(Productize Yourself)