
Java dataframe 和 数据可视化库 Tablesaw     所属分类 tablesaw 浏览量 172


Java dataframe and visualization library

Tablesaw is a dataframe and visualization library that supports loading, cleaning, transforming, filtering, and summarizing data. 
Tablesaw also supports descriptive statistics and can be used to prepare data 
for working with machine learning libraries like Smile, Tribuo, H20.ai, DL4J.

Data processing & transformation
Import data from RDBMS, Excel, CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, or Fixed Width text files, whether they are local or remote (http, S3, etc.)
Export data to CSV, JSON, HTML or Fixed Width files.
Combine tables by appending or joining
Add and remove columns or rows
Sort, Group, Filter, Edit, Transpose, etc.
Map/Reduce operations
Handle missing values

Tablesaw supports data visualization by providing a wrapper for the Plot.ly JavaScript plotting library. 

Descriptive stats: 
mean, min, max, median, sum, product, standard deviation, variance, percentiles, geometric mean, skewness, kurtosis, etc.




项目目录说明 aggregate:maven 的项目父级项目,主要定义项目打包的配置 beakerx:tablesaw 库的注册中心,主要注册表和列 core:tablesaw 库的核心代码,主要是数据的加工处理操作:数据的追加,排序,分组,查询等 data:项目测试数据目录 docs:项目 MarkDown 文档目录 docs-src:项目文档源码目录,主要作用是生成 MarkDown 文档 excel:解析 excel 文件数据的子项 html:解析 html 文件数据的子项目。 json:解析 json 文件数据的子项目 jsplot:数据可视化子项目,主要作用加载数据生成可视化图表 saw:tablesaw 读写图表数据的子项目
tablesaw 0.43.1 @Test public void tableSawTest6() { String[] students = {"小明", "李雷", "小二"}; double[] scores = {90.1, 84.3, 99.7}; Table table = Table.create("学生分数统计表").addColumns( StringColumn.create("姓名", students), DoubleColumn.create("分数", scores)); System.out.println(table.print()); } Table robberies = Table.read().csv("./data/boston-robberies.csv"); Plot.show( AreaPlot.create( "Boston Robberies by month: Jan 1966-Oct 1975", robberies, "Record", "Robberies")); IntColumn intColumn = IntColumn.create ("IntColumn", 10, 20,15); StringColumn stringColumn = StringColumn.create ("StringColumn", "A", "B","C"); System.out.println(intColumn.print()); System.out.println(stringColumn.print()); Table table = Table.create("table001").addColumns(intColumn,stringColumn); System.out.println(table.print()); System.out.println(table.summary().print()); Figure figure = PiePlot.create("plot001",table,"StringColumn","IntColumn"); Plot.show (figure);
Tablesaw 绘制图表的过程: 加载数据(Table.read ),然后创建图表(AreaPlot.create ),最后显示图表(Plot.show ), Plot.show 方法会在本地生成图表的HTML页面,并自动打开浏览器显示, 在不打开浏览器的情况下绘制图表,需要修改Plot.show 方法的调用方式 Plot 类方法 注释掉 new Browser().browse(outputFile); Table robberies = Table.read().csv("./data/boston-robberies.csv"); File outputFile = new File("/Users/dugang/tmp/tablesawdemo2.html"); // Plotx 复制 Plot代码 ,注释掉 new Browser().browse(outputFile); Plotx.show( AreaPlot.create( "Boston Robberies by month: Jan 1966-Oct 1975", robberies, "Record", "Robberies"),outputFile); System.out.println("Plotx.show done,outputFile="+outputFile); https://gitee.com/dyyx/work2024/tree/master/demo/tiger_quant/tquant-backtester/src/test/java/demo/tablesaw
tablesawdemo2.html 使用 js 画图 https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js var data = [ trace0]; Plotly.newPlot(target_target, data, layout);

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