rabbitmq prometheus 插件 指标说明
所属分类 rabbitmq
浏览量 290
Erlang via RabbitMQ
Disk IO
Metric Description
rabbitmq_consumer_prefetch Limit of unacknowledged messages for each consumer
rabbitmq_channel_prefetch Total limit of unacknowledged messages for all consumers on a channel
Metric Description
rabbitmq_connections_opened_total Total number of connections opened
rabbitmq_connections_closed_total Total number of connections closed or terminated
rabbitmq_channels_opened_total Total number of channels opened
rabbitmq_channels_closed_total Total number of channels closed
rabbitmq_queues_declared_total Total number of queues declared
rabbitmq_queues_created_total Total number of queues created
rabbitmq_queues_deleted_total Total number of queues deleted
rabbitmq_process_open_fds Open file descriptors
rabbitmq_process_open_tcp_sockets Open TCP sockets
rabbitmq_process_resident_memory_bytes Memory used in bytes
rabbitmq_disk_space_available_bytes Disk space available in bytes
rabbitmq_process_max_fds Open file descriptors limit
rabbitmq_process_max_tcp_sockets Open TCP sockets limit
rabbitmq_resident_memory_limit_bytes Memory high watermark in bytes
rabbitmq_disk_space_available_limit_bytes Free disk space low watermark in bytes
rabbitmq_connections Connections currently open
rabbitmq_channels Channels currently open
rabbitmq_consumers Consumers currently connected
rabbitmq_queues Queues available
rabbitmq_build_info RabbitMQ & Erlang/OTP version info
rabbitmq_identity_info RabbitMQ node & cluster identity info
Metric Description
rabbitmq_connection_incoming_bytes_total Total number of bytes received on a connection
rabbitmq_connection_outgoing_bytes_total Total number of bytes sent on a connection
rabbitmq_connection_process_reductions_total Total number of connection process reductions
rabbitmq_connection_incoming_packets_total Total number of packets received on a connection
rabbitmq_connection_outgoing_packets_total Total number of packets sent on a connection
rabbitmq_connection_pending_packets Number of packets waiting to be sent on a connection
rabbitmq_connection_channels Channels on a connection
Metric Description
rabbitmq_channel_consumers Consumers on a channel
rabbitmq_channel_messages_unacked Delivered but not yet acknowledged messages
rabbitmq_channel_messages_unconfirmed Published but not yet confirmed messages
rabbitmq_channel_messages_uncommitted Messages received in a transaction but not yet committed
rabbitmq_channel_acks_uncommitted Message acknowledgements in a transaction not yet committed
rabbitmq_channel_messages_published_total Total number of messages published into an exchange on a channel
rabbitmq_channel_messages_confirmed_total Total number of messages published into an exchange and confirmed on the channel
rabbitmq_channel_messages_unroutable_returned_total Total number of messages published as mandatory into an exchange and returned to the publisher as unroutable
rabbitmq_channel_messages_unroutable_dropped_total Total number of messages published as non-mandatory into an exchange and dropped as unroutable
rabbitmq_channel_process_reductions_total Total number of channel process reductions
rabbitmq_channel_get_ack_total Total number of messages fetched with basic.get in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_channel_get_total Total number of messages fetched with basic.get in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_channel_messages_delivered_ack_total Total number of messages delivered to consumers in manual acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_channel_messages_delivered_total Total number of messages delivered to consumers in automatic acknowledgement mode
rabbitmq_channel_messages_redelivered_total Total number of messages redelivered to consumers
rabbitmq_channel_messages_acked_total Total number of messages acknowledged by consumers
rabbitmq_channel_get_empty_total Total number of times basic.get operations fetched no message
Metric Description
rabbitmq_queue_messages_published_total Total number of messages published to queues
rabbitmq_queue_messages_ready Messages ready to be delivered to consumers
rabbitmq_queue_messages_unacked Messages delivered to consumers but not yet acknowledged
rabbitmq_queue_messages Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages - total queue depth
rabbitmq_queue_process_reductions_total Total number of queue process reductions
rabbitmq_queue_consumers Consumers on a queue
rabbitmq_queue_consumer_utilisation Consumer utilisation
rabbitmq_queue_process_memory_bytes Memory in bytes used by the Erlang queue process
rabbitmq_queue_messages_ram Ready and unacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_queue_messages_ram_bytes Size of ready and unacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_queue_messages_ready_ram Ready messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_queue_messages_unacked_ram Unacknowledged messages stored in memory
rabbitmq_queue_messages_persistent Persistent messages
rabbitmq_queue_messages_persistent_bytes Size in bytes of persistent messages
rabbitmq_queue_messages_bytes Size in bytes of ready and unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq_queue_messages_ready_bytes Size in bytes of ready messages
rabbitmq_queue_messages_unacked_bytes Size in bytes of all unacknowledged messages
rabbitmq_queue_messages_paged_out Messages paged out to disk
rabbitmq_queue_messages_paged_out_bytes Size in bytes of messages paged out to disk
rabbitmq_queue_disk_reads_total Total number of times queue read messages from disk
rabbitmq_queue_disk_writes_total Total number of times queue wrote messages to disk
Erlang via RabbitMQ
Metric Description
rabbitmq_erlang_processes_used Erlang processes used
rabbitmq_erlang_gc_runs_total Total number of Erlang garbage collector runs
rabbitmq_erlang_gc_reclaimed_bytes_totalTotal number of bytes of memory reclaimed by Erlang garbage collector
rabbitmq_erlang_scheduler_context_switches_total Total number of Erlang scheduler context switches
rabbitmq_erlang_processes_limit Erlang processes limit
rabbitmq_erlang_scheduler_run_queue Erlang scheduler run queue
rabbitmq_erlang_net_ticktime_seconds Inter-node heartbeat interval in seconds
rabbitmq_erlang_uptime_seconds Node uptime
Disk IO
Metric Description
rabbitmq_io_read_ops_total Total number of I/O read operations
rabbitmq_io_read_bytes_total Total number of I/O bytes read
rabbitmq_io_write_ops_total Total number of I/O write operations
rabbitmq_io_write_bytes_total Total number of I/O bytes written
rabbitmq_io_sync_ops_total Total number of I/O sync operations
rabbitmq_io_seek_ops_total Total number of I/O seek operations
rabbitmq_io_open_attempt_ops_total Total number of file open attempts
rabbitmq_io_reopen_ops_total Total number of times files have been reopened
rabbitmq_schema_db_ram_tx_total Total number of Schema DB memory transactions
rabbitmq_schema_db_disk_tx_total Total number of Schema DB disk transactions
rabbitmq_msg_store_read_total Total number of Message Store read operations
rabbitmq_msg_store_write_total Total number of Message Store write operations
rabbitmq_queue_index_read_ops_total Total number of Queue Index read operations
rabbitmq_queue_index_write_ops_total Total number of Queue Index write operations
rabbitmq_queue_index_journal_write_ops_total Total number of Queue Index Journal write operations
rabbitmq_io_read_time_seconds_total Total I/O read time
rabbitmq_io_write_time_seconds_total Total I/O write time
rabbitmq_io_sync_time_seconds_total Total I/O sync time
rabbitmq_io_seek_time_seconds_total Total I/O seek time
rabbitmq_io_open_attempt_time_seconds_total Total file open attempts time
Metric Description
rabbitmq_raft_term_total Current Raft term number
rabbitmq_raft_log_snapshot_index Raft log snapshot index
rabbitmq_raft_log_last_applied_index Raft log last applied index
rabbitmq_raft_log_commit_index Raft log commit index
rabbitmq_raft_log_last_written_index Raft log last written index
rabbitmq_raft_entry_commit_latency_seconds Time taken for an entry to be committed
Metric Description
telemetry_scrape_encoded_size_bytes Scrape size, encoded
telemetry_scrape_size_bytes Scrape size, not encoded
telemetry_scrape_duration_seconds Scrape duration
Metric Description
erlang_mnesia_held_locks Number of held locks
erlang_mnesia_lock_queue Number of transactions waiting for a lock
erlang_mnesia_transaction_participants Number of participant transactions
erlang_mnesia_transaction_coordinators Number of coordinator transactions
erlang_mnesia_failed_transactions Number of failed (i.e. aborted) transactions
erlang_mnesia_committed_transactions Number of committed transactions
erlang_mnesia_logged_transactions Number of transactions logged
erlang_mnesia_restarted_transactions Total number of transaction restarts
Metric Description
erlang_vm_dist_recv_bytes Number of bytes received by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_recv_cnt Number of packets received by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_recv_max_bytes Size of the largest packet, in bytes, received by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_recv_avg_bytes Average size of packets, in bytes, received by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_recv_dvi_bytes Average packet size deviation, in bytes, received by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_send_bytes Number of bytes sent from the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_send_cnt Number of packets sent from the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_send_max_bytes Size of the largest packet, in bytes, sent from the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_send_avg_bytes Average size of packets, in bytes, sent from the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_send_pend_bytes Number of bytes waiting to be sent by the socket.
erlang_vm_dist_port_input_bytes The total number of bytes read from the port.
erlang_vm_dist_port_output_bytes The total number of bytes written to the port.
erlang_vm_dist_port_memory_bytes The total number of bytes allocated for this port by the runtime system. The port itself can have allocated memory that is not included.
erlang_vm_dist_port_queue_size_bytes The total number of bytes queued by the port using the ERTS driver queue implementation.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_memory_bytes The size in bytes of the process. This includes call stack, heap, and internal structures.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_heap_size_words The size in words of the youngest heap generation of the process. This generation includes the process stack. This information is highly implementation-dependent, and can change if the implementation changes.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_min_heap_size_words The minimum heap size for the process.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_min_bin_vheap_size_words The minimum binary virtual heap size for the process.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_stack_size_words The stack size, in words, of the process.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_total_heap_size_words The total size, in words, of all heap fragments of the process. This includes the process stack and any unreceived messages that are considered to be part of the heap.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_message_queue_len The number of messages currently in the message queue of the process.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_reductions The number of reductions executed by the process.
erlang_vm_dist_proc_status The current status of the distribution process. The status is represented as a numerical value where exiting=1', suspended=2', runnable=3', garbage_collecting=4', running=5' and waiting=6'.
erlang_vm_dist_node_state The current state of the distribution link. The state is represented as a numerical value where pending=1', up_pending=2' and `up=3'.
erlang_vm_dist_node_queue_size_bytes The number of bytes in the output distribution queue. This queue sits between the Erlang code and the port driver.
erlang_vm_memory_atom_bytes_total The total amount of memory currently allocated for atoms. This memory is part of the memory presented as system memory.
erlang_vm_memory_bytes_total The total amount of memory currently allocated. This is the same as the sum of the memory size for processes and system.
erlang_vm_memory_dets_tables Erlang VM DETS Tables count.
erlang_vm_memory_ets_tables Erlang VM ETS Tables count.
erlang_vm_memory_processes_bytes_total The total amount of memory currently allocated for the Erlang processes.
erlang_vm_memory_system_bytes_total The total amount of memory currently allocated for the emulator that is not directly related to any Erlang process. Memory presented as processes is not included in this memory.
erlang_vm_statistics_bytes_output_total Total number of bytes output to ports.
erlang_vm_statistics_bytes_received_total Total number of bytes received through ports.
erlang_vm_statistics_context_switches Total number of context switches since the system started.
erlang_vm_statistics_dirty_cpu_run_queue_length Length of the dirty CPU run-queue.
erlang_vm_statistics_dirty_io_run_queue_length Length of the dirty IO run-queue.
erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_number_of_gcs Garbage collection: number of GCs.
erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_bytes_reclaimed Garbage collection: bytes reclaimed.
erlang_vm_statistics_garbage_collection_words_reclaimed Garbage collection: words reclaimed.
erlang_vm_statistics_reductions_total Total reductions.
erlang_vm_statistics_run_queues_length_total Length of normal run-queues.
erlang_vm_statistics_wallclock_time_milliseconds Information about wall clock. Same as erlang_vm_statistics_runtime_milliseconds except that real time is measured.
erlang_vm_statistics_runtime_milliseconds The sum of the runtime for all threads in the Erlang runtime system. Can be greater than wall clock time.
erlang_vm_statistics_wallclock_time_milliseconds Information about wall clock. Same as erlang_vm_statistics_runtime_milliseconds except that real time is measured.
erlang_vm_dirty_cpu_schedulers The number of scheduler dirty CPU scheduler threads used by the emulator.
erlang_vm_dirty_cpu_schedulers_online The number of dirty CPU scheduler threads online.
erlang_vm_dirty_io_schedulers The number of scheduler dirty I/O scheduler threads used by the emulator.
erlang_vm_ets_limit The maximum number of ETS tables allowed.
erlang_vm_logical_processors The detected number of logical processors configured in the system.
erlang_vm_logical_processors_available The detected number of logical processors available to the Erlang runtime system.
erlang_vm_logical_processors_online The detected number of logical processors online on the system.
erlang_vm_port_count The number of ports currently existing at the local node.
erlang_vm_port_limit The maximum number of simultaneously existing ports at the local node.
erlang_vm_process_count The number of processes currently existing at the local node.
erlang_vm_process_limit The maximum number of simultaneously existing processes at the local node.
erlang_vm_schedulers The number of scheduler threads used by the emulator.
erlang_vm_schedulers_online The number of schedulers online.
erlang_vm_smp_support 1 if the emulator has been compiled with SMP support, otherwise 0.
erlang_vm_threads 1 if the emulator has been compiled with thread support, otherwise 0.
erlang_vm_thread_pool_size The number of async threads in the async thread pool used for asynchronous driver calls.
erlang_vm_time_correction 1 if time correction is enabled, otherwise 0.
erlang_vm_atom_count The number of atom currently existing at the local node.
erlang_vm_atom_limit The maximum number of simultaneously existing atom at the local node.
erlang_vm_allocators Allocated (carriers_size) and used (blocks_size) memory for the different allocators in the VM. See erts_alloc(3).
prometheus file_sd_config 基于文件的服务发现
MAC 安装 rabbitmq
rabbitmq prometheus插件 和 rabbitmq-exporter
flink 反压监控
OOM kill 监控