postgresql jdbc 驱动 ResultSet 取值
所属分类 PostgreSQL
浏览量 881
String getString(String columnLabel) throws SQLException;
columnLabel the label for the column specified with the SQL AS clause.
If the SQL AS clause was not specified, then the label is the name of the column
大小写 是否敏感
false 字段名全部转为小写
根据字段名 获取 字段索引时 ,转成 大小写 获取
PostgreSQL 默认 字段名大小写不敏感
public String getString(String columnName) throws SQLException {
return getString(findColumn(columnName));
public @NonNegative int findColumn(String columnName) throws SQLException {
int col = findColumnIndex(columnName);
if (col == 0) {
throw new PSQLException("The column name {0} was not found in this ResultSet.", columnName),
return col;
private @NonNegative int findColumnIndex(String columnName) {
if (columnNameIndexMap == null) {
if (originalQuery != null) {
columnNameIndexMap = originalQuery.getResultSetColumnNameIndexMap();
if (columnNameIndexMap == null) {
columnNameIndexMap = createColumnNameIndexMap(fields, connection.isColumnSanitiserDisabled());
Integer index = columnNameIndexMap.get(columnName);
if (index != null) {
return index;
index = columnNameIndexMap.get(columnName.toLowerCase(Locale.US));
if (index != null) {
columnNameIndexMap.put(columnName, index);
return index;
index = columnNameIndexMap.get(columnName.toUpperCase(Locale.US));
if (index != null) {
columnNameIndexMap.put(columnName, index);
return index;
return 0;
The JDBC spec says when you have duplicate columns names,
the first one should be returned. So load the map in
reverse order so the first ones will overwrite later ones.
public static Map createColumnNameIndexMap(Field[] fields,
boolean isSanitiserDisabled) {
Map columnNameIndexMap = new HashMap(fields.length * 2);
// The JDBC spec says when you have duplicate columns names,
// the first one should be returned. So load the map in
// reverse order so the first ones will overwrite later ones.
for (int i = fields.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String columnLabel = fields[i].getColumnLabel();
if (isSanitiserDisabled) {
columnNameIndexMap.put(columnLabel, i + 1);
} else {
columnNameIndexMap.put(columnLabel.toLowerCase(Locale.US), i + 1);
return columnNameIndexMap;
temporal 获取集群信息 关键代码
temporal 获取 namespace信息 关键代码和堆栈信息
temporal 重要表说明
Temporal Clusters