scala akka remote ask 实例
所属分类 akka
浏览量 741
使用 ActorSystem 直接创建 ActorSelection 应用远程actor
val clientActorSystem = ActorSystem("clientActorSystem", conf)
val url = "akka://serverActorSystem@"
val remoteActor = clientActorSystem.actorSelection(url)
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val future = remoteActor ? Request("ask hello")
// Future[Any] 转成 Response
future.mapTo[Response].onComplete {
case Success(value) => println(value)
val future2 = remoteActor ? Request("ask akka remote")
val result = Await.result(future2, Duration.Inf)
Using ask will send a message to the receiving Actor as with tell,
and the receiving actor must reply with sender() ! reply in order to complete the returned Future with a value.
The ask operation involves creating an internal actor for handling this reply,
which needs to have a timeout after which it is destroyed in order not to leak resources
scala akka remote 实例
Scala 偏函数 例子2
akka typed actor ask 实例
scala akka remote 实例
scala future mapTo 用法