
akka typed actor 实例之hello     所属分类 akka 浏览量 740
Classic Actors

Akka Classic pertains to the original Actor APIs, which have been improved by more type safe and guided Actor APIs. 
Akka Classic is still fully supported and existing applications can continue to use the classic APIs. 
It is also possible to use the new Actor APIs together with classic actors in the same ActorSystem

typed actor 

package com.example import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors import akka.actor.typed.{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior} final case class Msg(msg: String, sender: ActorRef[Msg]) object HelloTypedActor { def apply(): Behavior[Msg] = Behaviors.receive { (context, message) => println("receive msg " + message.msg + ",sender=" + message.sender + ",self=" + context.self) Behaviors.same } } object HelloActorMain extends App { val helloActor: ActorSystem[Msg] = ActorSystem(HelloTypedActor(), "helloTypedActor") helloActor ! Msg("hello", null) helloActor ! Msg("akka", null) helloActor ! Msg("typed", null) helloActor ! Msg("actor", null) }
完整代码 https://gitee.com/dyyx/hellocode/blob/master/demo/scala/akka/akka-quickstart-scala-maven/src/main/java/com/example/HelloTypedActor.scala
akka actor demo akka actor ask 模式 实例

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