
IDEA 常用设置     所属分类 idea 浏览量 759
关闭代码检查  避免卡死
editor /inspections 

Preferences  / editor /  file encodings 
properties 文件单独设置
default encoding for properties files 

编译时报 OOM
Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler
shared build process heap size   改成  2048 M  (默认700M)

编译时报 StackOverflowError
Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler

shared build process VM OPTIONS  -Xss4m


Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler 

配置 IDEA 插件仓库源
File / Settings / Plugins / 设置(小齿轮)/ Manage Plgin Repositories

idea2021 windows7  导入 maven 项目 无法 识别 String 
换成 idea2019 配置SDK后搞定
idea2019 导入 maven 多模块项目 ,需要手工添加模块
Project Struct / modules  加号 添加 模块

IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.1 (Community Edition)

view / Appearance 
  toolbar   (前进后退按钮等)
  navigation bar
  tool window bars
  status bar
  details in tree view
  members in navigation bar

git 提交前 关闭代码分析
Preferences / version control / commit / before commit

build project    编译修改过的文件
rebuild project  重新编译整个项目

help /  change memory setting
help / edit Custom VM Options

Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Theme

Preferences -> Editor -> File Encodings

Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion
Case sensitive completion 设置成 Node, 不区分大小写

Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Auto Import

Add unambiguous imports on the fly
Optimize imports on the fly (for current project)

Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Imports

Class count to use import whith '*' 
超过指定个数,换成 * 号 ,建议设置成大一些 

Name count to use static import with '*'
控制静态属性引入 , 建议保留默认值 ‘3’

Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style -> Java -> Code Generation

Line comment at first column

Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler

Build projet automatically

调整编译内存 建议1024M以上
Build process heap size(Mbytes) 

Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Compiler -> Java Compiler

Project bytecode version   建议8

IDEA 使用技巧

上一篇     下一篇
go 包管理工具 go mod

temporal 核心概念

git 分支操作

idea 当前文件查找 快捷键失效

