
Spring5.2 @Configuration 属性 proxyBeanMethods 作用     所属分类 springboot 浏览量 1164
如果@Bean 方法之间没有调用关系 ,可以把 proxyBeanMethods 设置为 false

否则,方法内部引用的 和 Spring 容器中的 是两个不同的实例

boolean proxyBeanMethods() default true;

proxyBeanMethods 设置 为 false , 变成 lite bean 模式

@Bean方法 可以是 private  final
不能在 @Bean方法内调用其他的 @Bean方法 (bean之间的依赖 ,可以放在bean方法参数里)

Specify whether  @Bean methods should get proxied in order to enforce bean lifecycle behavior, 
e.g. to return shared singleton bean instances even in case of direct  @Bean method calls in user code. 

@Bean  方法代理,保证bean 生命周期,譬如 @Bean 方法内部调用 保证获取到共享的单例对象

This feature requires method interception, implemented through a runtime-generated CGLIB subclass 
which comes with limitations such as the configuration class  and its methods not being allowed to declare  final.

运行时生成CGLIB子类 ,方法不能为 final 

The default is true, allowing for 'inter-bean references' via direct method calls 
within the configuration class as well as for external calls to this configuration's @Bean methods, 
e.g. from another configuration class.

If this is not needed since each of this particular configuration's @Bean methods is self-contained 
and designed as a plain factory method for container use,

switch this flag to  false in order to avoid CGLIB subclass processing.

设置成 false ,避免 生成 CGLIB 子类

Turning off bean method interception effectively processes  @Bean methods individually
like when declared on non- @Configuration classes, a.k.a.  @Bean Lite Mode . 
It is therefore behaviorally equivalent to removing the  @Configuration stereotype.
@since 5.2

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